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Arturia DrumBrute Impact
Main Features
10 pure analog sounds: Kick, Snare 1, Snare 2, Tom Hi, Tom Low, Cowbell, Cymbal, Closed Hat, Open Hat, and FM Sound
64 patterns with up to 64 steps each
Separate accent per drum
Optional Color sound-shaping on all instruments (except Cowbell)
Song mode for chaining patterns
Polyrhythm capabilities: each drum track can be a separate length
Swing: global or per instrument
Randomness: generate pattern variations
Pattern Looper for beat repeat functions
Roller for real time instruments rolls
Output Distortion with bypass
Smart metronome with headphone override
Multiple sync options: Internal / MIDI / Clock, including 1PPS, 2PPQ, DIN24, and DIN48
USB MIDI interface
Master output, & optional individual audio outputs for Kick, Snares, Hats and FM Sound
3.5mm headphone output
Elektron Analog Rytm MKII
What does the MKII version bring?
Analog Rytm MKII is an analog/digital beat making dream machine. Everything – from the state of the art aluminium enclosure, via the large pads, to the new quick performance controls – is a direct result of the quest for rhythmical excellence. And now you can sample with it too.
Analog Rytm MKII features several upgrades compared to the MKI version:
Sampling capability
Crisp, large OLED screen providing optimal feedback in dimly lit environments
Ultra durable back-lit buttons rated for 50 million presses
Precise, hi-res encoders
Quick performance controls
Large pads for maximum playability
Increased amount of dedicated buttons enabling quicker workflow
Expression/CV inputs for external control of Analog Rytm MKII parameters
Balanced sampling inputs
Overbridge with higher bandwidth
Premium cast aluminium enclosure
Eight voice analog drum machine & sampler
True analog punch
What really sets the Analog Rytm MKII apart is the analog sound. It has a magic character. The depth of the kick drums, the bite of the snare drums, those cavernous toms, the airy shimmer of the hihats. Fine-tune the sounds to your liking and get working.
Elevated by samples
For ultimate creative versatility you can layer samples on top of the analog drum sounds. Capture your own sounds, or use pre-recorded material, to make your beats as smooth, as rough, as realistic or as fantastic as you’d like. The perfect unity of analog percussion and sampling simply goes beyond.
Maximized playability
When you’ve got your drums ready, record them to the sequencer and play them back. Do it using the pads, or perform detailed programming on the sequencer steps. Really meticulous or totally spontaneous: it’s up to you.
Elektron Digitakt
8 internal audio tracks
8 dedicated MIDI tracks
1 × Multi-mode filter per audio track
1 × Assignable LFO per track
Delay and Reverb send FX
Sampling capability
64 MB sample memory
1 GB +Drive storage
2 × ¼” input & 2 × ¼” balanced output
1 × High Speed USB 2.0 port
MIDI IN, OUT and THRU ports
Overbridge support
Vermona Kick Lancet
Im Herzen des Kick Lancets schwingt ein Oszillator mit Sinus- und Rechteckwellenform die stufenlos miteinander gemischt bzw. übergeblendet werden können. Oszillatorfrequenz und VCA können jeweils von einer eigenen Hüllkurve mit regelbarer Abklingzeit moduliert werden. Zusätzlich steht ein schneller LFO (3Hz – 3kHz) zur Modulation der Tonhöhe bereit. Zum Oszillatorsignal können ein Nadel-Impuls und Rauschen gemischt werden. Der BALLS Regler gibt zusätzlichen Schub!TriggerNeben der Möglichkeit das Kick Lancet per MIDI anzusteuern stehen drei unterschiedliche Trigger-Eingänge zur Verfügung:GATE: Das Kick Lancet kann mit Hilfe einer Gate Spannung getriggert werden. Dies kann mit fixer Lautstärke, zusätzlichem Akzent oder voll-dynamisch in Abhängigkeit der Gate-Spannung erfolgen.SWITCH: Kurzschluss Trigger (z.B. mittels Fußtaster)AUDIO: Ein beliebiges Audiosignal kann das Kick Lancet dynamisch Triggern. An dieser Buchse funktionieren z.B. auch Drum-Pads.